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About Gary L. Ermoian Investigations

Gary L. Ermoian, Investigations is a ‘Full Service’ Investigation Agency, serving the Central Valley of California since 1980.

Gary L. Ermoian, Investigations specializes in Criminal Defense, Civil Investigations, Infidelity Investigations, Surveillance, Skip Tracing, Background Investigations, Insurance Investigations, Missing Persons, Asset Location and Judgment Recovery, and Electronic Countermeasures. We are committed to providing quality and strictly confidential investigative services to the legal profession, insurance industry, business and private sector.

When you need the services of a California Private Investigator, call the professional investigative experts at Gary L. Ermoian Investigations for prompt attention to your case.

When you need the services of a California Private Investigator, call the professional investigative experts at Gary L. Ermoian Investigations for prompt attention to your case.

Gary Ermoian’s Book


About Ermoian

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